Account Maintenance Process (Online)

The Account Maintenance process is typically the 'most accessed' process, allowing you to view, add, or edit member data. The individual events of the process are meant to be run in whatever sequence is required.


Host Events


Supporting Views


Displays the member's plan summary.

  • Refresh Summary

  • Earnings/Service

Demographic Info

Displays the member's demographic and employer information.



Displays the member's address information.


Launches the Address wizard to add a member address.



Displays the member's beneficiary information: Edit


Launches the Address wizard to add a beneficiary address.


Launches the New Beneficiary wizard: Add/Edit


Displays the member beneficiary designation per plan information: Edit


Displays the beneficiaries current addresses.



Displays the member's fund information.

  • Interest Funds

  • Money Market Funds

  • Unitized Funds

  • GICs (Term Deposits)



Displays the member's contribution information.



Displays the member's documents.


New Document

Launches the Document Upload wizard.


Calculation History

Displays the member's calculation history.


Forms Request

Displays forms from the Forms catalog.



Displays the member's status information.


Compensation or Earnings/Service

Displays the member's service/earnings information.


Tasks Performed

Displays a browser showing all the tasks that have been performed for the selected member (by Plan).


Pension Adjustments

Displays a history of PAs calculated for the selected member.



For more information, see About Web Administrator Processes.


Build 1136

See Also