The Enrollment process is used to add new employees to the database, if necessary, add employee data and enroll them in a plan. The individual events of the Enrollment process are meant to be run in sequence, however the New Employee event may be skipped if the employee data has been imported.
Host Events |
Description |
Supporting Views |
Verify New Entrant |
Displays the Documents browser. |
Launches the Employee wizard used to add a new employee to the database |
| |
Launches the Address wizard. |
| |
Launches the Enrollment Calculation wizard. |
| |
Launches the Beneficiary wizard used to add a beneficiary to the selected member. |
Beneficiaries | |
Launches the Address wizard to add a beneficiary address. |
| |
Displays the member beneficiary designation per plan information: Edit |
| |
Displays the member's Status browser. Add/Edit. |
| |
Displays the member's Login Account Information browser. Add/Edit. |
| |
Displays an enrollment notification report. |
For more information, see About Web Administrator Processes.
Build 1136