Benefit Estimates Process (Online)

The Benefit Estimates process is typically used to estimate (or quote) the benefit a member would receive upon termination or retirement. The process also provides access to a member's service and earnings data. The individual events are meant to be run in whatever sequence is required.

Host Events


Supporting Views

Refund Inquiry

Launches the Termination Calculation wizard, calculates the benefit and saves it as a Quote.

(DB Example, DC Example)

Summary, Demographic and Employer, Calculations, Compensation, Contributions/Funds

Retirement Inquiry

Launches the Retirement Calculation wizard, calculates the benefit and saves it as a Quote.

(DB Example, DC Example)

Summary, Demographic and Employer, Calculations, Compensation, Contributions/Funds

Salary Inquiry

Display's the member's Compensation browser.


Year End Calculation

Launches the Year End Calculation wizard, calculates the benefit and saves it as Process.

Summary, Demographic and Employer, Calculations, Compensation, Contributions/Funds

Death Inquiry

Launches the Death Calculation wizard, calculates the benefit and saves it as a Quote.

(DB Example, DC Example)


Disability Inquiry

Launches the Disability Calculation wizard, calculates the benefit and saves it as a Quote.


Balances Inquiry

Launches the Balances Calculation wizard, calculates the member's fund balances and saves it as a Quote.



For more information, see About Web Administrator Processes.


Build 1136

See Also